
Steff, Milo, and Ram talk bollocks about the North London Derby, discuss why Ben White is a twat, breakdown centimetres in modern football commesurate to arse sizes, discuss why Ben White’s fake tan is a twat, analyse those corners, discuss why we think Ben White is a tosser, declare our undying hatred of the Goons and express our personal belief that this journey is going to end up at an excellent destination, AND why Cuti Romero is our player of the season. Tis therapy with a grimace and a grin, join us…

Son Always Shines On TV

Milo and Steff unpack the 2-2 draw against “them and their second place gold-trimmed jerseys” at theirs, reflect on how the energy at the club has carried through to communicating with the supporters, and is Ange actually a zen master? Just get a beverage and join us…


This week’s hot off the press pod is all about getting together and trying to make sense of the 2-0 home defeat to them. What happened? Where does it leave us? Where are we going? Milo, Gareth and Steff sift through it all, Milo and Gareth from their homes, Steff from his car caught in an internetless storm on the Nor Cal coast. We think you’ll enjoy our company more than ever this week, if not necessarily the topic. So come on in, grab a seat, there’s beverages in the fridge and we’ve got shoulders for your tears!

Getting Back Eintracht

After a tech nightmare wiped out last Sunday’s record, Steff, Milo and Ricky engage in a gremlin-crushing double-headed review of our matches against Eintracht Frankfurt and Arsenal. We discuss the current system of play, chance creation, and what is currently missing (clue – ginger and Swedish)…it’s basically a live record so tune in now!

Ode To Joy

Sing sing SING and CELEBRATE with The Game Is About Glory as Steff, Milo, James and Gareth look back at the 5-0 stuffing of Norwich which ensured the return of Champions League Football to the Lane. We also might gloat a tiny bit at our Woolwich neighbours, and we discover that within TGIAG ranks there sits an Aussie-residing Spud from Irvine Welsh’s “Trainspotting”.

Move Any Mountain

This week, Steff, Milo and James look back at the 1-1 draw against Liverpool at Anfield (where there was no shamen anybody in what was a Royal performance), and try to stay calm and non-hyperbolic as the biggest NLD ever looms on the horizon. We also look at why Newcastle are a force to be reckoned with, and how Dele could get us back into the CL. Missing all this would be naughty naughty verrry naughty, so 3-2-1…

The Race For 4th Place

This week, Steff, James, Milo & Gareth look back at Spurs tight defeat to Ronaldo at Old Trafford while also delving comprehensively into the top 4 race. Using a combination of statistical knowledge and fresh squeezed lemonaura, you’ll hear who is going to take that 4th place spot and why. You’ll also hear why, if they don’t, it will an equally amazing thing. The Game Is About Glory brings you sharp answers and aural lemonade. Start listening…now!