Palace Pain and Sonny Delight

On this week’s pod, Steff, Milo, Gareth and Awesome look back at one of the greatest US Open tennis stories ever, evaluate the injury list at White Hart Lane, discuss the mighty Son Heung-min, ponder whether his Dad is in the running for father of the year, and Steff admits publicly to Milo he was wrong about how to say ‘Royal’…we might also discuss 22 men kicking a ball last Saturday, well, 11 at least…tune in for the shenanigans.

The Thigh’s The Limit

From the glorious upper leg structure of players departed to the marvellous DoF structure which has seen some top level squad management and recruitment this summer, The Game Is About Glory explores our season squad options in meticulous detail. Join Steff, Ricky, Gareth and a returning Milo for the full breakdown on ins, outs and shake it all abouts at the Lane. Royal(e) listening is guaranteed!

The Upsetters

This week Steff, Ram and Awesome Dawon revel in all things international, Pep’s morph into Basil Fawlty, the Robin Williams effect at the Lane and the many expressions of Oliver Skipp. All this plus a look at our third Premier League win in a Rowe AND the joys of a two-ended table in our lives.

Trading Places

This week, The Game Is About Glory revels in Pep losing yet another game to the mighty Tottenham, the might of Tanganga, the nous of Nuno, the window, the elephant in the room, orange futures, blue & yellow, La la la la la la la la la la la Van der Vaart, Rafa Van Der Vaart…yes, it was THAT sort of day! So join Steff, Milo, Ricky and Ram for the joyous aural vibes!

Hey Cuti

In this, the last pre-season pod of the summer, Steff, Milo, Ricky and Luton look back at our Mind Series games against the Goons and Chelsea, preview the season ahead and shove their neck out with a series of stunningly accurate predictions, including our forthcoming victory against Man City next weekend. You heard it here first…

Sliding Doors

This week, we look back at a busy week of pre-season activity, a colourful moment in our history, and imagines what might’ve happened in four sliding doors moments. From simply staying at home to watching Klopp’s Spurs win the 2019 CL Final, join Ricky, Gareth, Milo and Steffan for more top Tottenham tomfoolery.

What Happened Next?

This week, Steff, Milo, Ram and Awesome look at some of the players who left Tottenham and went on to have cracking, curious and crazy careers. The focus falls on Jermain Defoe, Adel Taarabt (!!!), Luka Modric and Nabil Bentaleb as we dig in, look over their current careers and see ‘what happened next’ once they’d left the Spurs dressing room. PLUS honourable mentions for KPB, Reto Ziegler and the mighty Pascal Chimbonda who’s still lighting up the pitch at the age of 42 with Durham City.

Euros and Villains

This week Steff, Milo, Ricky and Gareth delve into the ever-evolving excitement of the Euros for England, take a look at the pantomime and real villains who (dis?)grace our game, in the process learning why one of our team harbours a deep disgust at that loud wildman Ben Foster! And can you guess who shouted ‘w*nker’ at someone repeatedly for 90 mins? Bet you can’t! Laughs? Oh yes, there’s a few. Turn on, tune in, enjoy pod…

Emergency Pod: Nuno Espírito Santo

STOP PRESS: Steff, Milo, Gareth and Ricky convene for an emergency pod to welcome Nuno Espirito Santo as our new manager, discuss the appointment from several angles AND determine that Jorges Mendes is all Scribes and less Faces. It’ll make sense when you tune in – as you will in 3-2-1

Recorded on the hoof, so apologies for ropey sound.