Conte’s First Year

This week’s pod was going to be simple; Steff, Milo, and Ram were going to discuss the latest World Cup action, as well as Antonio Conte’s first year in charge. Which they did. But it also includes Steff & Poch Together, a story in Jilly Cooper style read with a filthy pornographer’s voice, Milo’s dinner with Antonio, and some serious all round bottage which had Ram asking if our pod futures were at risk? When Milo’s VAR bot is unleashed upon the world, it might end us all. Tune in now, just in case…

No Spurs, No Problem

Steff, Milo and Ricky dive into the World Cup, discuss how our Spurs lads are doing with their respective countries, and end up in a full and frank chortle-filled chinwag about crimes against football…let’s just say, half and half scarf owners have only ONE excuse in our court of justice. Trust us when we say this week’s pod is a massive, spectacular gooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll

Midseason Review

Steff, Milo, and Gareth look back over Spurs season thus far with a comprehensive mini-review. Amidst the waves of praise for Bentancur, Kulusevski and Kane, we will also explore whether Wilfred Owen really did write a poem about this period in our history, whether Lucas has a future with us, and find ourselves walking down memory Lane as we look back on the career of Super Aaron Lennon. Did we also mention that FIFA are w*nkers?

Chasing Leeds

Steff, Milo, and Ram dive into the annual TGIAG AGM, the total chaos of our 4-3 win over Leeds, selfies with Deki, and a night out in Nottingham – cobs and all. We’ll also discuss who might need this upcoming break the most? Answers in a Mastodon post, and if you don’t know how to, Milo has the answers. Needs are as needs Musk eh?!!!

The Blind Pass Pod

In this week’s ‘no look no see’ pod, Steff, Milo and Ricky instinctually find the main talking points behind the matches against Liverpool home and Marseille away. Is the referee a w*nker? Why do can we not erase errors? And who ARE the lightweights who boo their own team? Tune in for a spot of chaos-podding! No cameras? No problem!!

Leaving It Late

In this week’s edition of ‘see how they run…and run and run and run until mid-November, Steff, Milo and Gareth look back at an undefeated week against Sporting Lisbon and Bournemouth, salute Pierre-Emile Højbjerg’s courage, fawn over the legend that is Rodrigo Bentancur, and yes, we look back at ‘that’ VAR decision and present a passionate discussion on the subject we guarantee will be a fresh take for your ears.

Reservoir Slogs

Steff, Milo and Gareth trudge through the sludge of a bad week in N17, ponder our generosity, bemoan the calendar once more, discuss the details which are costing us so much right now, and conclude that the only way forward is putting on our big-boy suits, dark sunglasses and going ‘full Quentin’ through mid-November. We’re in this together, so join us won’t you?

Cheeky Dinkers

Steff, Ram and Gareth look back at the controlled 2-0 victory over Everton, the keystone chaos of our 3-2 win over Frankfurt in the CL, how Pierre-Emile Højbjerg is a bit of a peaky blinder with his cheeky dinkers and ask whether all Danish footballers are insane hard men, question Adidas’s balls AND discuss one of the worst referees we’ve seen in Europe. You know what to do…

Grazie, Prof

This week, Steff, Milo and Ricky look back at an enormously emotional week, with the sudden and tragic passing of fitness coach and so much more, Gian Piero Ventrone. Amidst the sadness was that vital match at the Amex Stadium against Brighton, and we look back at all aspects of what was ultimately a victory surely forged in Gian Piero’s name.

Getting Back Eintracht

After a tech nightmare wiped out last Sunday’s record, Steff, Milo and Ricky engage in a gremlin-crushing double-headed review of our matches against Eintracht Frankfurt and Arsenal. We discuss the current system of play, chance creation, and what is currently missing (clue – ginger and Swedish)…it’s basically a live record so tune in now!